The Force for Health Network Home

Welcome to the Force for Health® Network!

We believe EVERY BODY can be a Force for Health for themselves,
their families and their communities

But we also realize that not everybody has the access, resources, tools or support to make the healthy decisions the easy ones.

This is why it’s so important for everybody to work together to address these social determinants of health to increase better outcomes for communities that care. 

It’s also why we focus on providing FREE and low cost multimedia and evidence-based solutions to increase population health literacy for everybody…equally.

The Force for Health® Network Overview

What is the Force for Health® Network?

The Force for Health® Network is a student powered, mixed media, gamification platform specifically designed to motivate individuals and leaders to MOVE, LEARN, SERVE & EARN their way towards points and giveaways for themselves, their families and their communities.

To learn more about our approach and philosophy, click here

Who can benefit from the Force for Health® Network?

The Force for Health® is designed to provide resources, tools, support and incentives to anybody looking to increase health literacy rates for themselves and others.

Individuals can use our free resources, or upgrade, for less than a $1/week, to gain unlimited access to state of the art tools and resources that will help them be more aware of the health factors that impact themselves and their communities.

School leaders, PE Teachers, Health Instructors, and even Workforce Development Directors,  who are looking to support better health education, pathways outcomes for their staff, students and families, can join the network and start utilizing the tools in a way that meets their needs. 

This ranges from simply providing access to high quality, physician approved, health-science based resources to full curriculum implementation to competitive esports options that would deliver student produced media and campaigns that can serve their own communities, while learning valuable skills along the way.

Community Health Leaders and consortium leaders can join the network and use our virtual boardroom, shared libraries and gamified group management tools to make collaboration, engagement and accountability easier than ever before.

Your Health Begins With You

Check out these FREE HealthBASICS Membership Features

Join our Virtual HealthBASICS Academy for FREE and start earning points today!

Are you ready to be a 360° Human Health Ambassador?

Upgrade to today for premium tools and access for less than $1 per week

360° Ambassador Member Features Include:

Are you Ready to TEAM Up to STEAM³ Up?

How does your group and community celebrate
Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math?

Check out our REALITY HEALTH Games kicking off in select markets