A report (PDF) from the HHS National Syphilis and Congenital Syphilis Syndemic Federal Task Force explores differences between point of care (POC) t…
HRSA recently announced two Notice of Funding Opportunities (NOFO) that will support residency programs at current Teaching Health Centers and Teachin…
Pennsylvania is joining the legislative bandwagon to limit noncompetition agreements for certain health care workers. In a purported effort to retain …
In 2022, the national nonprofit Build Healthy Places Network (BHPN) released “A Playbook for New Rural Healthcare Partnership Models of Investment,â…
Research published in the Journal of Appalachian Health reports on disasters in eight rural southeast Kentucky counties in 2021-2022, the changing nat…
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) indicates that disasters are occurring more frequently, often impacting communities still recovering fr…
The Physician-Focused Payment Model Technical Advisory Committee (PTAC), an independent federal advisory committee, has transmitted a Report to the Se…
During the COVID-19 public health emergency, Congress provided temporary enhanced federal funding to states to keep enrollees continuously enrolled in…
 On July 16th, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released final part two guidance regarding the plan outreach and education for …