Closing out My Time
Hello everyone! As my time with the Force for Health comes to an end, I want to reflect back on everything I was able to do in what feels like an incredibly short time.
This summer I was able to learn more about how to manage multiple websites including Bitrix, Airtable, Powtoons, Invideo, WordPress, and a few others. It was using these resources that I was able to assist in organizing old lessons for mental health, revamping our healthy start baby book journey, create a Me to We journey, as well as create my own journey entirely entitled Adulting 101 which aims to help those transitioning into adulthood understand certain topics that we many not have been taught in school. I was also able to make a quick guide on how to go from a Fitness Wellness major to a registered nurse.
I am extremely grateful for my time here and everything I was able to learn.
Adulting 101:
Me to we:
Healthy start: