Department of Health PA HAN 733 – Measles in Pennsylvania
The PA Department of Health (DOH) issued Health Advisory 733, concerning Measles cases in PA. As of Jan. 5, 2024, there have been seven cases of measles diagnosed in the commonwealth since Dec. 6, 2023. Six of these cases were epidemiologically linked and from southeastern Pennsylvania. One case was in northcentral Pennsylvania and not epidemiologically linked to the other cases. The index case in the southeastern Pennsylvania outbreak acquired measles while traveling abroad and the remaining cases were exposed via healthcare or childcare settings. The northcentral Pennsylvania case was unrelated, and the illness was acquired while living abroad. All these cases were in unvaccinated individuals. Providers should have an increased suspicion for measles in patients who are not immune and present with a febrile rash illness and follow the proper recommendations for testing and infection control measures. DOH reminds providers to immediately report suspected cases of measles to local public health authorities or to the DOH at 877-PAHEALTH (877-724-3258).
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