Public Health Week & AZPHA Partners’ Spotlight: Reproductive Health

Each Spring the American Public Health Association celebrates National Public Health Week. We’re joining them locally by highlighting some of the work being done by our Organizational Members that focus on some of the areas related to this year’s theme: Protecting, Connecting and Thriving: We Are All Public Health

Public health is more than just health care. It’s the steps we take to make sure our neighborhoods and environment are free from pollution. It’s making sure our food and water are safe to eat and drink.

It’s also the relationships we foster in our communities. We’re all interconnected. When we all come together to support public health, all of us — individuals, families, communities, and the public health field — can achieve the goals of public health

Theme 3 – Reproductive & Sexual Health

AzPHA member Affirm’s goal is to create a future where everyone has the trust, support, and information they need to choose what’s best for them. They focus on making sexual and reproductive healthcare accessible to everyone, no matter who they are or where they come from.

Affirm — High-quality health services in AZ

With Title X funding, Affirm coordinates sexual and reproductive healthcare services, connects clients to caring providers, and offers inclusive health education. With added donor support, we advocate for evidence-based health policy at every level of government.

Affirm serves people in Arizona – especially youth, the underinsured and uninsured, low-wage earners, Indigenous communities, and other groups who have been systematically excluded from receiving care. Affirming the dignity of the people we serve is crucial to our approach.

Affirm believes people know what’s best for them. We break down barriers, provide crucial education, and bust stigmas so that everyone can make decisions with confidence and clarity.

Learn more about Affirm here