Pennsylvania Broadband’s BEAD Initial Proposal Volume II Has Been Approved!
The Pennsylvania Broadband Development Authority (PBDA) is pleased to announce the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) has approved Volume II of the BEAD Initial Proposal. Volume II outlines Pennsylvania’s BEAD implementation efforts including local coordination, the subgrantee selection process, labor standards and workforce readiness, low-cost service options and middle-class affordability. With this approval, the PBDA is another step closer to implementing the $1.16 Billion BEAD Program. The next steps include a process to identity partners who will ultimately build the infrastructure and provide access.
To ensure successful implementation of the BEAD Program, PBDA emphasizes the importance of early collaboration and coordination. Local government partners and internet service providers are uniquely positioned to work towards a collective goal of internet for all Pennsylvanians. To bolster that collaboration, the PBDA encourages all levels of local government to work together with interested internet service providers to identify solutions for the areas of need within their communities. The PBDA website includes resources to aid in those conversations. It will take a proactive approach toward coordination to close digital divide.
Lastly, to strengthen preparation for infrastructure expansion the PBDA established the Broadband Ready Communities (BBRC) Program. The BBRC Program will help to reduce procedural, policy, and permitting barriers to broadband deployment at the local level and to encourage broadband infrastructure investment within participating PA communities. Registration for the Program will close December 31, 2024. To take advantage of this resource, ensure you review the BBRC Program page, guidelines, and the process to register. Please direct any questions regarding the BBRC Program to
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