Practicing Puppy Patience

It’s been exactly 5 weeks and we can say that we still love our puppy.




To my pleasant surprise he actually has been a lot easier to manage than I thought he would be but it still reminds me to keep these three things in perspective while we get through the puppy patient phase.

  • First – You must remember that the puppy is like a toddler. He’s curious, playful, and filled with lots of energy. It makes no sense to get frustrated at some of the noises he may make when he simply trying to play with our other dog prints and have a good time doing it.
  • Number two, getting a new puppy when you have tile floors is a lot easier than without. Period. Let’s move on.
  • Number three – Just because somebody says a puppy is a German Shepherd, doesn’t mean that they are purebred. The bigger he gets, the more we realize that this may be the case. It’s interesting though, it’s like a mini test of discrimination for our family as to whether or not we would still continue to love a mix breed just because it wasn’t purebred. It’s a resounding answer is “heck yeah”! 

He has brought so much joy to our family and has quickly become a very special member himself  in the short five weeks we’ve had him.

So that’s it. My three takeaways from the first five weeks with our new puppy and our aging German Shepherd, finally known as prince. I wanted to see Prince with a puppy and a new family member before he got too old to be able to enjoy it or interact with him.

They have become my new entertainment just watching them play, and watching my family watch them play. It brings genuine warmth, joy and smiles to us all. And for that simple fact, he bigns me joy, is why I am so grateful and I love this puppy with all my heart.