Obesity can stem from genetics, food and activity, and social and environmental inequities. We also know from past research that brain structure and m…
The USDA is seeking comments on a proposed rule to increase the number of high-poverty schools that can offer free school meals for all students. The …
US tuberculosis (TB) cases increased for the second straight year in 2022, according to new data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (…
Despite the heaviest spending on healthcare, the US has the highest maternal mortality rate among developed nations. Unfortunately, this historic tren…
Healthcare coverage rates are better among people with higher education levels. But Latinos still face some of the largest health insurance coverage g…
Many Latino families struggle to get enough food to feed their families. They often face hunger. Even if they do get enough food, what they have is of…
Latinos are uninsured more than two times the rate of their white peers. Given that Latinos are projected to grow to 29% of the population by 2050, th…
In the last few years of the COVID-19 pandemic, many of us have come to appreciate the critical importance of public health. In honor of National Publ…
The American Heart Association (AHA) is working to boost health equity through a variety of online health lessons, called EmPOWERED to Serve. EmPOWERE…