Category: Specialty Health Clubs & Teams
Danish Instrument Helps NASA’s Juno Spacecraft See Radiation
Scientists with NASA’s Juno mission have developed the first complete 3D radiation map of the Jupiter system. Along with characterizing the intensity of the high-energy…
Study: Doctors More Likely to Use Negative Language When Referring to Latinos
NASA-Designed Greenhouse Gas-Detection Instrument Launches
Tanager-1, the Carbon Mapper Coalition’s first satellite, which carries a state-of-the-art, NASA-designed greenhouse-gas-tracking instrument, is in Earth orbit after lifting off aboard a SpaceX Falcon…
NASA Citizen Scientists Spot Object Moving 1 Million Miles Per Hour
Most familiar stars peacefully orbit the center of the Milky Way. But citizen scientists working on NASA’s Backyard Worlds: Planet 9 project have helped discover…
Watch Our Award-Winning Bilingual Video on Clinical Trials!
Webinar: How to Fight El Asesino Silencioso
NASA Funds Research Projects Advancing STEM Career Development
NASA has awarded $6 million to 20 teams from emerging research institutions across the United States supporting projects that offer career development opportunities for science,…
NASA’s Perseverance Rover to Begin Long Climb Up Martian Crater Rim
NASA’s Perseverance Mars rover will soon begin a monthslong ascent up the western rim of Jezero Crater that is likely to include some of the…