CMS Awards Navigator Grants and Releases Annual Enrollment Assistance Bulletin
Since 2013, Navigators have helped Americans understand their health insurance options and facilitated their enrollment in health insurance coverage through the Federally-facilitated Marketplace (FFM). As trusted community partners, their mission focuses on assisting the uninsured and other underserved communities.
On August 25, 2023, CMS awarded $98.6 million in Navigator cooperative agreement awards to 57 returning organizations who will continue serving as Navigator awardees in states with a FFM. These awards support the work of organizations that offer assistance to consumers navigating, shopping for, and enrolling in health insurance coverage for plan year 2024. At this link are the 57 organizations receiving 2023-2024 CMS Navigator cooperative agreement awards for the FFM(s) they have received cooperative agreements to serve: All 29 FFM states for PY 2024 have at least one Navigator awardee organization.
Additionally this week, CMS published the annual guidance on training for navigators, CMS Enrollment Assistance Bulletin, 2023-01: Guidance Regarding Training, Certification, and Recertification for Navigators and Certified Application Counselors in Federally-facilitated Exchanges. This bulletin provides annual guidance on the training, certification, and recertification requirements and procedures for Navigators, certified application counselors (CACs), and CAC designated organizations (CDOs) in the Federally-facilitated Marketplaces (FFMs). You can access the bulletin at:
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