CMS OCCHE Alert: Climate Change and Health Equity at HHS

CMS OCCHE will be launching a catalytic program  in January 2024 to support health care providers in taking advantage of the tax credits, grants and other supports made available by the historic Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) for projects to address climate change.

The legislation creates unprecedented opportunities for health sector organizations to make investments in clean energy, building efficiency, infrastructure resilience and more. OCCHE’s planned initiative will occur through collaboration with federal partners including the Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Energy and will feature national webinars as well as breakout sessions by provider type to help organizations assess their needs and opportunities.

You can SIGN UP NOW for national sessions (which will begin on January 25th), as well as breakouts for different safety net provider types (which will begin on February 1st), on the program website.

For more details on the initiative, check out the recording from our November 30th information session.

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