CMS Requesting Information on Medicare Advantage Data
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) seeks feedback on how best to enhance Medicare Advantage (MA) data capabilities and increase public transparency. With over half of Medicare beneficiaries, and 45 percent of rural beneficiaries, enrolled in MA, transparency about the program has become increasingly important. In this request for information, CMS is seeking detailed information on common challenges and experiences in the MA program for which limited data are currently available. Feedback may include data-related recommendations related to beneficiary access to care; prior authorization and utilization management strategies; cost and utilization of supplemental benefits; all aspects of MA marketing and consumer decision-making; care quality and outcomes; health equity; market competition; and special populations, such as individuals dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid and other enrollees with complex conditions. They encourage input from beneficiaries and beneficiary advocates, plans, providers, community-based organizations, researchers, employers and unions, and the public at large.
Comment by May 29.
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