My Healthy University Teams are a Force for Health
Invitation to join our network…
Universities and other higher education institutions play a key and valuable role when it comes to regional and state wide population health solutions, but it is often difficult to navigate and lead multi-sector efforts across the public, private and non-profit spectrum without collaborative partners and systems in place.
This is why we are inviting your university to join the Force for Health® Network, as a key anchor partner, as we activate your local community with our multi-media, student-produced reality health game-like solutions, which can start with just a single intern. We look forward to connecting soon.
The Force for Health® Network Partnership Has Multiple Benefits Across your Entire Organization
Executive Leadership
- Position the University as a key stakeholder in the local Chamber of Health initiative to bring community stakeholders together to connect, collaborate, and cooperate in a coordinated fashion
- Help augment the community (literally) with the FFH GO app and also the Reality Health Games, showing you are not just an ivory tower but an engaged part of the community
- Support celebrations together with culminating events on your campus.
Admissions Office
- Get students thinking about your campus early in their middle or high school career by taking the lead on the FFH in your region.
- Develop the relationship and also scout out the best candidates
- Show off your best faculty and students within the media and roles with the FFHN
- Provide awareness of the FFH Network to your feeder school districts with some no cost services
- Encourage them to start a chapter and enroll some students or staff in premium services
- Augment their community with you branding and messaging with the FFH Go App and games
- Have events on campus virtually and physically to get site visits.
Finance & Fundraising
- Offer scholarships in conjunction with local industry or merchants to FFHN leaders
- Share half revenue in premium services and 80 percent of profits in on site services provided as FFH
- Create a sustainable income stream from FFH premium memberships here or anywhere through an affiliate set up
Real World Internships
- Practice personal and community health interventions, as you study these and related professions, by doing real world projects with real experts.
- Become a Leader for a high school or community organization team
- Learn how to create all the games and multimedia working with the CEO and CMO as interns as you earn credits
Community Service Projects
- Teams in the school engage with local Community Health Needs Assessments to address social determinant of health barriers in the community
- Provide opportunity to help write grants or influence local policies
- Start, support, and mentor students in local middle and high schools to be their own Force for Health
- Bring people to campus to meet, train, discuss, and celebrate collaborations.
Engage your Alumni
- Engage your alumni to stay healthy and community engaged, just like you want your current students to be.
- Ask them to become FFHN premium members as leaders or ambassadors and share in revenue while engaging them daily with your branding, challenges, and videos
Support Faculty Wellness
- Participate in this as a staff wellness program
- Share your research and lectures if you wish within the network and its social media to advance interest in your courses, career, or the university
- Participate with world leaders in the FFHN Advisory groups
Compete in My Healthy VIP LEAGUES
- Friendly competition focused on moving, learning, serving and earning
- Lead or play at different levels of competition, from state, regional and intracommunity
- Help showcase your region as an attractive economic community that cares about healthy communities
- Participate in and also bring people to campus hosting finals of the Reality Health Games for the region.
Current Internship Activation TEAMS
Are you ready to activate your University as a Force for Health® Network Member?
We’d love to connect with you with a Complementary 60 Minute Consultation