#SaludTues Tweetchat 5/14/24─Why Is Brain Health So Important?
Brain health is important – but we often overlook it.
The World Health Organization defines brain health as the “state of brain functioning across cognitive, sensory, social-emotional, behavioural and motor domains, allowing a person to realize their full potential over the life course.”
While we can take action to maintain our brain health and mental health, conditions such as brain tumors and dementia can affect the brain and disrupt our lives.
As part of Brain Cancer Awareness Month in May, let’s use #SaludTues on May 14, 2024, to explore how to maintain brain health and find out what we should know about brain tumors, dementia, and mental health, especially among the Latino population.
- WHERE: Twitter
- WHAT: #SaludTues Tweetchat “Why Is Brain Health So Important?”
- WHEN: 1-2 p.m. ET (12-1 p.m. CT), Tuesday, May 14, 2024
- HOST: Salud America! at UT Health San Antonio (@SaludAmerica)
- CO-HOSTS: Latinx Voces (@latinxvocesllc); The National Institute of Aging (@NIHAging) Dr. Dulce María Ruelas (@DulceMariaMPH); LatinaStrong Foundation (@LatinaStrongDr); Public Health Maps (@PublicHealthMap)
- HASHTAG: #SaludTues
We’ll open the floor to your comments, tips, and stories as we explore:
- Why is brain health so important?
- How can we maintain brain health?
- What should you know about brain tumors?
Be sure to use the hashtag #SaludTues to follow the conversation on Twitter and share your tips, stories, and resources to explore brain health for Latinos and all people!
#SaludTues is a periodic health equity tweetchat on Twitter/X (always on a Tuesday at 12p CT/1p ET), focusing on the Latino population. #SaludTues is hosted by the @SaludAmerica program at the Institute for Health Promotion Research at UT Health San Antonio.
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