An infographic titled Did You Know? Text says: Climate change and particulate air pollution pose a significant risk to cardiovascular health. Longer-t…
Germs are everywhere, including in dirt and dust! When we think of dirt in our daily lives, we usually think of potted plants and gardens. When we thi…
"Did You Know?" is a weekly feature from the Center for State, Tribal, Local, and Territorial Support to inform your prevention activities. We invite …
In the small rural Central California town of Selma, a young Trinidad Solis watched long stretches of farmland float by through the car window. She li…
We use a lot of shared devices and equipment in healthcare. But these devices and equipment are all surfaces that can have germs on them. Because heal…
An infographic titled Did You Know? Text says: CDC's Public Health Associate Program (PHAP) is recruiting associates beginning January 18! PHAP streng…
Hospitals, clinics, and nursing homes are where people come for care, so there is a high chance some patients will have an infection. When a person ha…