ChangeLab Solutions recently updated their interactive web tool, Undoing the Drivers of Health Inequity, with new resources to support policy strategi…
At her annual wellness visit, Dr. Stormee Williams filled out a digital questionnaire that asked about her need for help with housing, transportation,…
Where you live can have a big impact on your health. In fact, our health is influenced by a variety of non-medical factors, such as the conditions in …
Where in San Antonio can you find a list of health clinics? Mental health resources? Health coverage resources? Organizations with community health wo…
The total economic output, or gross domestic product (GDP), for Latinos in the United States has grown from $1.7 trillion in 2010 to $3.2 trillion in …
Latinas make, on average, 52 cents for every $1 that white, non-Hispanic men make. This historic pay gap has worsened over time and contributes to poo…
The USDA is seeking comments on a proposed rule to increase the number of high-poverty schools that can offer free school meals for all students. The …