Taking the family to play in the snow? These tips will make sledding safer

Safe SleddingAn abundance of snow no doubt has many Arizonans planning trips to the high country. If your family fun will include sledding, please take along some advice to play safely. 

The Arizona State Trauma Registry maintained by ADHS Emergency Medical Services and Trauma System recorded 40 sledding injuries between 2019 and 2021. And these are just the injuries that required care at a trauma center.

To make your sledding adventure as safe and fun as possible: 

  • Wear a helmet and sled feet first or sitting up to reduce the chances of head injuries, including traumatic brain injury.
  • Avoid sledding in areas with trees, pedestrians, parked cars, moving traffic, water, drop-offs, and other hazards. 
  • We join our colleagues at ADOT in saying that parking along highways to play in snow is extremely dangerous!
  • Never ride a sled being pulled by a car, ATV, snowmobile, or other motorized vehicle.

Meanwhile, make sure you’re prepared to spend extended time in cold weather by dressing in layers and wearing gloves, bringing extra clothes, and taking extra drinking water, food, and prescription medications in case you are delayed. ADOT has many other helpful tips at azdot.gov/KnowSnow.

Being able to travel from mild temperatures to snow in just a few hours is one of the joys of Arizona winters. We want you to have a great — and safe — time if you do.